
Unlocking Benefits: Understanding PM Pranam Scheme

The PM Pranam Scheme is a pension program designed to provide financial security and support to non-gazetted central government employees after their retirement. Launched in May 2019, this scheme aims to ensure a steady income flow for retired employees to help them maintain their standard of living in their post-employment years. Under this scheme, a fixed amount of pension is provided to the beneficiaries on a monthly basis.

How Does the PM Pranam Scheme Work?

The PM Pranam Scheme functions on a contributory pension system, where both the employee and the government make monthly contributions towards the pension fund. The contributions are accumulated throughout the employee’s service period, and the final pension amount is determined based on various factors such as the employee’s salary, years in service, and contribution amount.

Features of the PM Pranam Scheme

  • Voluntary Participation: The scheme is voluntary for non-gazetted central government employees who wish to enroll and receive pension benefits after retirement.

  • Monthly Pension: Retired employees receive a fixed amount of pension on a monthly basis, providing them with a regular source of income post-retirement.

  • Contribution Matching: Both the employee and the government make monthly contributions towards the pension fund, ensuring mutual financial support.

  • Portability: The scheme allows for portability, meaning the pension benefits can be availed by the employee even if they switch departments within the central government.

  • Family Benefits: In the event of the employee’s demise, their spouse or dependent family members are eligible to receive family pension benefits under certain conditions.

Benefits of the PM Pranam Scheme

  • Financial Security: The scheme offers financial security to retired employees by providing them with a regular pension income, ensuring they can meet their financial needs in their post-retirement years.

  • Steady Income: The monthly pension under the scheme acts as a steady source of income, allowing retirees to manage their expenses without financial stress.

  • Social Security: The PM Pranam Scheme enhances the social security net for non-gazetted central government employees, offering them a safety net beyond their working years.

  • Family Support: By including family pension benefits, the scheme extends its support to the spouse or dependent family members of the retired employee, ensuring continued financial assistance.

  • Ease of Enrollment: The voluntary nature of the program makes it accessible to eligible employees who can choose to enroll and benefit from the scheme effortlessly.

Eligibility Criteria for the PM Pranam Scheme

  • Non-Gazetted Central Government Employees: The scheme is specifically designed for non-gazetted central government employees who wish to receive pension benefits post-retirement.

  • Enrollment Age: Employees can enroll in the scheme at a designated age, and their pension benefits are calculated based on factors such as years of service and contribution amount.

  • Contributory System: To be eligible for the scheme, employees must actively contribute towards the pension fund during their service period in alignment with the scheme’s guidelines.


The PM Pranam Scheme plays a crucial role in supporting non-gazetted central government employees in securing their financial future post-retirement. By offering a structured pension program with monthly income benefits, the scheme aims to enhance social security and provide a safety net for retirees. With its voluntary participation and family support features, the scheme stands as a valuable initiative towards ensuring the well-being of government employees beyond their active service years.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Who is eligible for the PM Pranam Scheme?
  2. Non-gazetted central government employees are eligible to enroll in the PM Pranam Scheme to receive pension benefits after retirement.

  3. How is the pension amount calculated under the scheme?

  4. The pension amount is determined based on factors such as the employee’s salary, years of service, and monthly contribution towards the pension fund.

  5. Can employees switch departments and still avail of the PM Pranam Scheme benefits?

  6. Yes, the scheme allows for portability, enabling employees to receive pension benefits even if they shift departments within the central government.

  7. Are family members eligible for pension benefits under the scheme?

  8. In the event of the employee’s demise, the spouse or dependent family members are eligible to receive family pension benefits as per the scheme’s provisions.

  9. Is participation in the PM Pranam Scheme mandatory for eligible employees?

  10. Participation in the scheme is voluntary, allowing eligible employees to choose to enroll and benefit from the pension program based on their preference.

  11. How does the contributory system of the PM Pranam Scheme work?

  12. Both the employee and the government make monthly contributions towards the pension fund, ensuring mutual financial support for the pension benefits.

  13. What are the key features of the PM Pranam Scheme?

  14. The scheme offers monthly pension benefits, portability, family support, and financial security to non-gazetted central government employees after their retirement.

  15. Can employees avail of any additional benefits under the PM Pranam Scheme?

  16. Apart from the regular pension benefits, employees may be eligible for other supplementary benefits as per the scheme’s guidelines and provisions.

  17. How does the PM Pranam Scheme contribute to enhancing social security for retirees?

  18. By providing a regular source of income post-retirement, the scheme enhances the social security net for non-gazetted central government employees, ensuring their financial well-being.

  19. What steps should employees take to enroll in the PM Pranam Scheme?

    • Eligible employees interested in enrolling in the scheme should follow the designated enrollment process and fulfill the required criteria for participation in the program.

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Kavya Patel
Kavya Patel
Kavya Patеl is an еxpеriеncеd tеch writеr and AI fan focusing on natural languagе procеssing and convеrsational AI. With a computational linguistics and machinе lеarning background, Kavya has contributеd to rising NLP applications.